Sensing in Motion

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Winter Solstice and Holidays

I hope you are all moving delightfully amongst your time off from school.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am a traveler of this world.
My Journey: To remember.
Not where Ive been,
rather where I am.
Not the names of the encountered,
rather their ineffable spirit.

I am not interested in becoming full of knowledge,
rather emptying into understanding.
I do not wish to find myself,
rather find you within me.
I do not want to hold on for assurance,
rather let go into vulnerability.

Someone once told me,
treading the path of vulnerability leads to the road of joy and sadness,
there, I can find a place where I no longer become a traveler,
rather I become a Warrior. - Jigme Sang-gye

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Comparison of Deaths

Click on image to make it bigger

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

video on Wihelm Reich-the guy who discovered Armor

Week of 11/16/09 Inquiry# 1

How do you relate to this slide?

Week of 11/16/09 Inquiry# 2

Write three examples of how all movement is a birthing

Week of 11/16/09 Inquiry# 3

Please write in a few sentences how you relate to this statement and then write 3 examples from your experiences that this is true.

Week of 11/16/09 Inquiry# 4

Taking a look at this part of today's PPT, what are 4 ways you relate to your center and what are 4 ways that you dont?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Some Poems from HAfiz



Of a great need

We are all holding hands

And climbing.

Not loving is letting go.


The terrain around here


Far too





Where does the real poetry
Come from?

From the amorous sighs
In this moist dark when making love
With form or

Where does poetry live?

In the eye that says, "Wow wee,"
In the overpowering felt splendor
Every sane mind knows
When it realizes- our life dance
Is only for a few magic

From the heart saying,

"I am so damn


So that your own heart
Will grow.

So God will think,

I got kin in that body!"
I should start inviting that soul over
For coffee and

Because this is a food
Our starving world

Because that is the purest

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This is from a book called Complementary and Alternative Therapies in Mental Health by Scott Shannon:
Physics and Body/Mind:
Modern physics shows, through the "bootstrap hypothesis" (Capra, 1991, pp.285-301) how fields of energy interpenetrate. Moreover, physics proves false our common illusion that matter is solid, but demonstrates rather that it is energy, thus offering an explanation for the manner by which emotional, mental and physical energies coexist in time and space in the organism.
Out of quantum physics comes the image of reality that everything originates from a void. But this void is a rich matrix , everywhere continuous and consistent except where it concentrates for the emergence of a particle of matter or energy. After emerging, the subatomic particle (quantum) quicklydisappears from our means of detection, only to have another one appear. The winkng on and off of subatomic particles shows how matter and energy are both derived from this matrix. The void is sometimes equated with the concept of either and subtle energy (Capra, 1991, pp. 207-223).

Ether and Ch'i

The concept of Ch'i corresponds to this matrix or void. According to the neo-Confucians, "Chi'i is... a tenuous and nonperceptible form of matter which is present throughout space and can condense into solid matterial objects." In addition, "Chi'i literally means 'gas' or 'ether' and was used in ancient China to denote the vital breath or energy animating the cosmos" [italics by autheor] (Capra, 1991, pg. 213).
Wilhelm Reich used the term orgone to describe an energy that he characterized similarly. Like Ch'i or ether, it is ubiquitous, life giving, and able to be collected for its therapeutic benefits. It expresses itself physically in the function of the orgasm.

This image reminds me of this class

Friday, November 13, 2009


Power of Circles

Yesterday was an incredible class. I want to thank everyone for the support and our discussion. I have not cried in a long time. There were hundreds of reasons those tears were healing. I am very thankful for everyones' energy that they put into this class.
During our circle time I kept thinking about this part of a book I read in High School: Black Elk Speaks. Then when we started talking about how our buildings are not comforting of soothing, I wanted to share this with everyone. I think it is really interesting, it has stuck with me a long time:
"We made these little gray houses of logs that you see, and they are square. It is a bad way to live, for there can be no power in a square.
You have noticed that everything that an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were a strong and happy people, all of our powers came to us from the sacred hoop of the nation, and so long as the hoop was unbroken, the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the hoop, and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and mighty wind gave strength and endurance. This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our religion. Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same thing, and both are round. Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always coming back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the nation's hoop, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children.
But the Wasichus (white people) have put us in these square boxes. Our power is gone and we are dying, for the power is not in us any more. You can look at our boys and see how it is with us. When we were living by the power of the circle in the way we should, boys were men at twelve or thirteen years of age. But now it takes them very much longer to mature.
Well, it is as it is. We are prisoners of war while we are waiting here. But there is another world."

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Japanese Psychotherapy

"The Naturalness of Feelings (Arugamama)
If we find out that we have just won the lottery, we may be excited and happy. But if we find out about the death of a loved one, we may feel sadness and grief. Such feelings are natural responses to our life circumstances and we need not try to “fix” or “change” them. Arugamama (acceptance of reality as it is) involves accepting our feelings and thoughts without trying to change them or “work through” them.

This means that if we feel depressed, we accept our feelings of depression. If we feel anxious, we accept our feelings of anxiety. Rather than direct our attention and energy to our feeling state, we instead direct our efforts toward living our life well. We set goals and take steps to accomplish what is important even as we co-exist with unpleasant feelings from time to time.

Feelings are Uncontrollable
There is an assumption behind many Western therapeutic methods that it is necessary to change or modify our feeling state before we can take action. We assume that we must “overcome” fear to dive into a pool, or develop confidence so we can make a public presentation. But in actuality, it is not necessary to change our feelings in order to take action. In fact, it is our efforts to change our feelings that often makes us feel even worse."

From the Web site

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crazy Sexy Life

You should all check out this movie and the blog that follows called Crazy Sexy Cancer- and then Crazy Sexy Life- it's thoughtful-it's fun- it may make you cry- give you insight- whatever- just check it out.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of 11/9/2009 Inquiry #1

on page 56 to 62 Hartley offers 4 exercises. Please do 2 of them and reflect

Week of 11/9/2009 Inquiry #2

Please read p 48 & p 49.

Reflect on whether you have a passive approach to getting your needs met or an active. From:
"world as coming towards 'the infant', fulfilling its needs.......'or'...being actively involved and in control of this process."

Please give 3 real examples of either

Week of 11/9/2009 Inquiry #3

On page 30 in Hartley:

"Each body part will learn that it can initiate movement independently of the other parts, but is at the same time related to them through the naval, affecting and corresponding to the whole. This process of differentiation and integration will be seen again at each level of development of movement and consciousness and so it is basic to all methods of education and therapy, both physical and psychological. As we differentiate, we can dis-identify from the part, then reintegrate it at a whole new level of wholeness and awareness."

Please reflect on this and give 3 examples of how you have had this experience and give 3 examples of how you have yet had this experience. Please discuss.

Week of 11/9/2009 Inquiry #4

On page 34 in Hartley is an invitation to explore Naval Radiation. Follow these instructions, try the activity on your own and report your findings

Friday, November 6, 2009

better oatmeal

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Perception .... something to think about...

Perception .... something to think about...

Washington, DC Metro Station on a cold January morning in 2007. The man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time approximately two thousand people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After 3 minutes a middle aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried to meet his schedule.
4 minutes later:
The violinist received his first dollar: a woman threw the money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.
6 minutes:
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children.. Every parent, without exception, forced their children to move on quickly.

45 minutes:
The musician played continuously. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

1 hour:

He finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100..

This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made..... How many other things are we missing?

Do you like amazing strings?

Need a beautiful experience? I won't be there but Eric Kean is really good. Cheers.

Title:Faculty Recital: Eric Kean
Event Type:Recital
Location:Performing Arts Center 155 - Concert Hall
Date:Friday, November 06, 2009
Time:8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Calendar:Arts & Entertainment

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009


The posts on last weeks inquiries were over the top! Really clear, articulate and full of honest wisdom and integrated understanding. I can clearly see that the intentions of this class are unfolding for each of you in many different ways, yet simply supporting your natural neuroplasticity.

Chi gong tomorrow! I will be available from 9-9:45 for this movement.

Please catch up on inquires if you are behind or show them to me so I can document this aspect of the class. Remember I can only meet you half way-what you put in is what you get out. Also talk to me----what do you need and how can I support you?

Is there any interest in a movement-boogie down-ashes and snow gathering? We could invite friends from the community. We need to gather this intention now to make it happen, so I need at least 15 of us interested in this to make it happen.

Finally I really appreciate you as a class, i have been having a great time and learning all the way.


Week of 11/2/2009 Inquiry #1

From Hartley pg xxxv she writes about "Beginner's Mind." Please read this and then look for 3 places in your life your could use some beginners mind and find 3 places you already have a beginners mind relationship with it.

Week of 11/2/2009 Inquiry #2

Please read Hartley pg xxxi and comment on the paragraph beginning with "Many of us have been conditioned from an early age to deny the feeling and expressiveness of our bodies.............."

Week of 11/2/2009 Inquiry #3

In Hartley's book page xxvi, please read the page. Then answer in your own words her question; "Who or what is it that even conceptualizes the notion of 'mind', directs attention, or perceives changes in awareness?"

Week of 11/2/2009 Inquiry #4

in the intro of Hartley's book page xxi, she mentions an acupuncturist's idea that all sickness is home sickness. Please reflect of your own experience with this.

Project Nature Connect

Dear Folks-

Here's a great link to an on-line forum/school in ecopsychology. Within this website is a section on human's 52 other natural senses that we may or may not be aware of or have much somatic awareness. Check it out!

Be Well-Shay

my Somatic Blog

my Somatic Blog