Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week of 11/16/09 Inquiry# 4

Taking a look at this part of today's PPT, what are 4 ways you relate to your center and what are 4 ways that you dont?


  1. I relate to my center when,
    * I am dancing with authentic expression.
    * When I am saying something that is very important to me I feel it in the pit of my stomach.
    *When I am scared or uncomfortable is a situation I feel it in my center. I feel uneasy.
    *When I am feeling emense love or caring for another person the feeling radiates from my core.

    I do not relate to my center,
    *when I am self concious.
    *when I am feeling physically weak and having a hard time doing a physical activity.
    *When I am stressed out I am more clumbsy with my words and my movements. They are not originating from my core.
    *When I am brought out of my body by outside stimulation such as a movie or a big store with flashing lights or studying very hard in front of a computer.

  2. I relate to my center:
    -When I am balancing; finding my interoceptive awareness in my core.
    -When I dance and ground my feet-- my weight sinks down to my center.
    -When I align my posture I feel gravity from my pelvis and core; my spine is stacked and my shoulders and arms are free to relax and move independently; my hips, knees, feet are stacked and solid to the earth.
    -I follow a gut decision. My intuition is sometimes incredibly strong, especially in moments when I know I just HAVE to follow my feet. I just walk, just move, and my gut leads the way. My brain comes along and sometimes has funny commentary on the situation, but she is secondary to the movement. Often in these moments (three times in the past month) I have gone into new buildings I wasn't planning on going into and end up meeting a friend whom I haven't seen in a long time and whom fills an immediate emotional/energetic need.

    I do not relate to my center:
    -When I sit at a computer, in a chair, doing immobile homework.
    -When I carry a backpack for school- I relate more to my neck, shoulders,upper back. This is different than when I carry a hiking backpack because I'm needing to balance more and travel longer, and I sink into my core for endurance and strength.
    -I'm trying to sound or act differently than I really want to; when I put on my "happy face" just to get through the day efficiently.
    -When I'm thinking too much or too hard-- my head juts forward, my hips sway back, my spine curves to the side. I'm forcing myself forward into the idea instead of holding myself in alignment to channel the idea.

  3. i find my center when i?
    -ski and i am in a balance state, moving in a flow motion down the hill from my core, and my legs flow around my core.. a very fluid waterlike movemnent
    -when i slackline and i focus on a point and feel grounded, strong and balance with a strong center.
    -When i sit and breath deep, allowing my body to feel life and blood flowing through it.
    -When i garden and can bring my awareness to the soil and my movements and focus goes into each task.

    when i'm not in my core
    - looking at a computer screen for several hours, all feeling in body is lost or comes as pain, head and eyes are very dizzy. i feel lost
    -when i feel self concious about what i say and how i move. i will be in my head and my body becomes alienated
    - when i drive for a few hours, i become a zombie and forget what it is like to feel alive and feel fresh again.
    -when i'm in a rush or stress state, all the energy goes outside of me out and i forget whats in me. what is a center to my day.

  4. I feel my core when:
    -I'm dancing
    -When I'm laughing heartily or sobbing and convulsing.
    -When I do conscious movement-pilates, yoga, walking meditation, hiking, martial arts, sex, biking.

    I feel disconnected from my core when:
    -I wake up late and I'm in a hurry.
    -When I'm angry all my energy travels upward in my body and my chest and face and jaw feel tight.
    -When I feel anxious or worried about things I have no control over.

  5. 4 ways I relate to my center:
    on a physical level, the om gym, snowboarding, and also sex, which often blends two centers, or more, into one. This last example I have noticed more than the others transcends our physical centers and lets us access higher/different levels of awareness through feeling our center(s). Climbing trees is also applicable now i think about. there are many other examples that involve blending our centers as well; dance, hugs, aikido/ fighting, intense starring competitions, etc.

    4 ways that I dont:
    - when I choose to react rather than respond
    - when my lower back hurts and my body compensates i feel misaligned with where i think/feel my center is SHOULD be
    - tv watching, computer typing
    - negative thinking and worrying gets me all up in the cabesa.


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