Saturday, October 10, 2009

piano walk


  1. that's great; i would love it if somebody put that together here. a bit strange that it's an initiative of volkswagen...automatically feel like they're trying to trick me into wanting something.

  2. ha i thought that was cool. fun does make ppl want to do it more, even if it requires more work. i see a kid in all of us

  3. less practical, more fun. that's where i see a future. what a wonderful way to inspire the health of a nation, creativity, and a more interactive urban environment. what's next? how about shoes that when walked on charge lithium batteries for our electronics like ipod etc? any other ideas that could create/inspire more movement during our everyday lives?

  4. Yes more fun in the day to day could possibly inspire people to live with the simple awareness of how precious and miraculous it is the be a human, to move, to dance, to play, and to connect. This feeling of preciousness could inspire action around human rights and the environment. What i notice is that we must practice this awareness like learning to play the piano, to be good we must continually play and practice and struggle and have a clear intention that this is what we want and that this is what we care about. Yet the simple pleasure of movement is always overlooked for the busyness of doing rather than being. So instead we practice doing instead and soon being is forgotten and under the radar.

  5. *First comment: I laughed out loud watching this all by myself! I was grinning when I watched this! HOORAY! What a great idea.
    What about stairs that sound like different animals? Or light up with different lights?

    ...I just tried coming up with new ideas, and it was HARD. Why is it hard to think of fun things to do? Okay, here goes--I'm giving myself sixty seconds to see how many fun ideas I can come up with...

    -community guitars left on busses
    -tubes of acrylic paint left in bathroom stalls to paint on the walls while pooping
    -lights activated by jumping or singing in elevators
    -giving little kids markers to draw on the heads of bald people (like my uncle)'s surprisingly difficult for me to come up with ideas that are just fun.

    *A second comment: last night I was at a potluck and I was singing along with someone playing the guitar. As soon as I realized that I was singing off key I no longer felt like I was having fun. I wonder when the change happened in my growing up when being "good" was more important than having fun? Nowadays, I am SO INSPIRED when I see people acting out of pure joy no matter what their skill level.

  6. Excellent observation on both, yet I am really drawn to your question: "I wonder when the change happened in my growing up when being "good" was more important than having fun?" This is a real barrier a force that limits our natural exuberant learning process.

    Check this out:


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