Sunday, October 18, 2009

More maps to juxtapose our imagination and the reality

Click on the image for bigger picture and leave comments! On any of these blog entries, I respond, I like you??????? Comments are GOOD!


  1. the map about all the billions spent and earned.. i'm so removed from that, its just numbers. i feel i can't comprehend how much it really is. Maps and statistics are kind of the same in how they dont really hit home in a sense. its hard to relate to numbers, like numbers of deaths in iraq, or species dying or money spent. I think this is why its hard for ppl to know what to do when see maps and numbers. Its beyond what i can understand.

  2. Yes because these maps are so far removed from the body. If we were to understand that these are body's, like our own. Bodies, which means experience, which means questing, feeling, sensing beings.

  3. woah.
    I also get a sense of removal from map #2 and don't totally understand map #3


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