Monday, September 28, 2009

Week if 9/28/2009 Sensing in motion inquiry #1

Do I feel balance in my body? Are the top and bottom halves, front and back, right and left sides equally developed, strong, and flexible? Note any area that feels massive, weak, flexible, or rigid. As you inquire into these questions note your sensations, breath, and if these areas change as you inquire into them.


  1. I have been working on creating more space around my ribs. I have observed that when I am successful creating extra space in this area my breathing becomes more fluid.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The right half of my body feels both stronger and more flexible than the left. It also feels more coordinated. I feel like I contribute to the problem, because when I work out or stretch, I get more satisfaction out of working on the right side (since I feel like I'm making more progress) and I give it more attention. In day to day life, also, if I have to lift something heavy I often do it one handed, again only challenging my right side.

  4. I am always seeking balance, and I attain it for brief moments while I'm not thinking about it. I definitely feel that my lower legs, and upper torso and arms feel very balanced. My lower spine feels too long sometimes which seems to make my legs appear somewhat short. My thighs feel too wide sometimes carrying excess weight, yet they support me and carry me where I need to go. Overall I feel blessed to have a very symmetrical body. In the mirror I notice that I think my butt is not big enough in the horizontal plane, and I notice that my lower spine seem almost completely straight like I've lost some of its natural curve.

  5. My entire upper torso attempts to stabilize the rest of my body. My neck, head and shoulders have fallen forward in order to compensate for the sudden extra weight in my chest. Most of my back feels numb to this pulling. As my hips take new form carrying the weight of my growing uterus and child, my left and right hips equally are beginning to have a dull ache and both knees cramp and crack in a way that makes me feel much older and more out of shape then then I really am. Acknowledging this discomfort causes my breath to speed up and become shallow. I reflect on how I tend to avoid tuning into my body, (except for my womb) b/c of the discomfort.


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